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125 lots this week!
We are a bit late with our ebay notice this week. We spent too much time and energy this weekend digging out from two back to back snow storms. Four sessions with the snowblower in 24 hours! Thankfully, we had this auction prepared before the storms hit and they didn't stop us from being able to offer another batch of interesting material for your browsing pleasure!
Some great highlights below, but we note a couple of consistent themes - a really nice selection of FDC Maximum cards thoughout and lots of aerogrammes especially interesting uses and auxiliary markings.
Check out these highlights:
- Canada features unusual FDC's, from a couple of handpainted Duck Stamp (Wildlife Conservation) to an unannounced Vancouver 2010 overprint FDC,
- a lovely section of post war occupied Germany, especially Berlin and Soviet Zone covers,
- a selection of Austria, especially early Empire stationery, including Offices in Turkey
- a number of Italy Trieste AMG-FTT unused postal cards of the early 1950s
- 39 US lots start with a number of stampless covers, including a Postmaster Free Frank, a great selection of FDC Maximum Cards, Pacific and Caribbean First Flights, redirected aerogrammes to exotic locations with redirections and auxiliary markings, and a 1931 Wilkins Arctic Submarine Expedition cover
- lots of other worldwide covers!
Enjoy your browse!
Auctions closing Saturday February 22, 2025
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More about our eBay auctions
Why do we auction our best covers? Over the years we have built up a long list of customers,
many of whom collect the same things. We think making the best covers available to the highest bidder
is the fairest way of deciding where they go.
"I don't like eBay, but I want some of your auction covers". We hear this from time to time. Usually, the not liking
eBay means not liking searching through masses of listings -- and we sympathize with that!.
With our auctions, you don't have to search. We present you with a neat list of
this week's covers that is pleasant to browse. If you see something you want to bid on, the link will take you straight
to the lot on eBay to place your bid-- it's no tougher than opening a Bid Sheet!
"Can I get reminders of your weekly auctions?". Absolutely! Go to our Mailing List Page
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