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215 lots this week!
A big auction this week with 215 lots. Tons of stuff to browse on a rainy springtime afternoon!
A long list of highlights below! Enjoy!
Check out these highlights:
- Canada features modern FDC lots including lots of multiple souvenir sheets, a $10 Blue Whale FDC and a couple of Joint Issue FDCs,
- lots of Austria/ Belgium / France,
- GB includes premium c2000 FDCs with philatelic/numismatic covers, and a Boer war correspondence (rough but interesting),
- lots of Germany, both pre- and post-war,
- a nice lot of Hong Kong used blocks of 4 and 6, and a China postage due used block of 4,
- 53 lots of USA starts with stampless covers and goes to a whole bunch of the High Value Express mail stamp set FDCs from 2001 to 2012, a multiple lots of unused patriotic envelopes and a lot of 1899/1900 bank checks with revenues,
- a huge number of other worldwide covers!
Enjoy your browse!
Auctions closing Saturday March 22, 2025
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More about our eBay auctions
Why do we auction our best covers? Over the years we have built up a long list of customers,
many of whom collect the same things. We think making the best covers available to the highest bidder
is the fairest way of deciding where they go.
"I don't like eBay, but I want some of your auction covers". We hear this from time to time. Usually, the not liking
eBay means not liking searching through masses of listings -- and we sympathize with that!.
With our auctions, you don't have to search. We present you with a neat list of
this week's covers that is pleasant to browse. If you see something you want to bid on, the link will take you straight
to the lot on eBay to place your bid-- it's no tougher than opening a Bid Sheet!
"Can I get reminders of your weekly auctions?". Absolutely! Go to our Mailing List Page
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